“It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters.”

-Evander Holyfield

Above: Like father, like daughter. Kimo and Kili Mai are practicing their Power Snatch! Look at the great depth in their full-squat landing… very impressive!

Over the past 6 weeks, we have been incorporating the “Burgener Warm-up” into our pre-WOD warmup routine. Besides being a great way to improve coordination and balance, the Burgener Warm-up helps us teach and reinforce the basic concepts of performing Olympic Lifts–Cleans, Jerks, and Snatches. In the last 2 weeks, we have noticed that everyone’s form has been looking pretty good! That is very exciting and allows us to incorporate more and more O-lifts into WODs. Keep up the great work!
Taken from the CrossFit Journal:
“The Burgener Warm-up is performed with a PVC pipe or a dowel and specifically trains the second and third pulls of the snatch. Repetition of these six sequences with little or no weight conditions the body to move properly through the power phases of the snatch and the clean and jerk.”

The Burgener Warm-up goes as follows (in this order only):
1. Down and up (the shoulder shrug)
2. Elbows high and outside (high pull)
3. Muscle snatch (upper-body strengthening exercise)
4. Snatch land (quarter-squat landing)
5. Snatch drop (full-squat landing)
6. Hang power snatch

Today’s Workout:
“Dirty Knees”
Max rounds in 20 minutes, of:
10 DB Hang Cleans
15 Knees to Elbows
20 Double Unders

Post score/rounds to comments.