“Self conquest is the greatest of victories.” -Plato

Not to worry…the ratchet tie downs are not stabilizing the poles or holding up the building. We will be putting them out on days that have anchored sit-ups. You can tuck your shoe under the trap to hold them down. If you still prefer to waddle through the room with your 50lb dumbbells to anchor your feet, please feel free.
We designated a 50 foot course through the room(near the back wall to the gate). To equal 50m you had to do that 3 times. Thus the name of today’s workout. Depending on your lunge stride you will do 180 to 276 lunges in this workout. Your butt and quads will thank you later.

Today’s Workout:

“3 Legs”
50m Walking Lunges
50 Sit-Ups
4 rounds