This week is going to be filled with birthday workouts. But no worries, just like beer…the more the merrier. As you may have guessed, Mike’s birthday was on the 28th of April. Nothing like a belated kick in the pants! Happy Birthday Mike!!!

Workout of the Day:


4 Squat Cleans(m-135lbs/f-95lbs)
28 Clean Ball(medicine ball clean into a wall ball shot, must catch in a full squat)(20/12)
4 Squat Cleans
28 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(m-70lbs/f-44lbs)
4 Squat Cleans
28 Dumbbell Push-Jerks(m-40lbs/f-25lbs)
4 Squat Cleans
28 Burpees