Above: Local boy, Bryan Clay – Olympic Gold Medalist, Decatholon.

All of our members are encouraged to keep a workout journal. Writing down scores, times and notes will help track improvement and give tips when attacking the same workout on a future attempt. Almost everyone sets a new PR(personal record) when attempting a past workout based on their improved work capacity. It is always exciting to have black and white proof that we are better then we used to be – faster, stronger and of course better looking. 🙂

But what happens when we don’t PR?

Do you think of CrossFit as a sport? I do! With that said, every athlete has good and bad days. Bryan Clay, Olympic Gold Medalist, was quoted as saying, “The winner of the decathlon is the athlete who makes the least mistakes.” (click here to read entire article – “Putting it All Together” ) In a ten event contest you have to be able to “put it all together”. Some days it happens and some days it doesn’t.

Here is what it takes to put it all together:
train hard
stay hydrated
get lots of rest
eat right
stay healthy
minimize stress
maintain focus
push past a sh*t load of pain

So be happy and excited when you PR, because it took a lot, and if you don’t, … there’s always tomorrow to give it another go. We may not all be Olympians, but we are all trying are best to be our best.