“Interval Hero”

The Hero-MakerWorkout of the Day:”Interval Hero”100m Run every 30 seconds10 roundsthen…4 Hero-Makers(m-40lbs/f-25lbs)7 Toes to BarAs many rounds as possible in 8 minutes

“Back Again”

Jeff Martone demonstrating the fluidity of the kettlebell snatch.This ladder doesn’t seem to get easy until you hit the three rep range. Choose for yourself how you would like to alternate your snatches.Workout of the Day:”Back Again”10...


Okay, finally Molly Metz video. 100 Triple-Unders in 1 minute. Looks like everyone has a new skill to practice.Workout of the Day:”Slide”600m Run21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(m-95lbs/f-65lbs)21 Shoulder to Overhead(m-95lbs/f-65lbs)300m Run15 Sumo Deadlift...

Strength/Skill Day – Front Squats

At this pace Molly Metz could score 50 in our Tabata Double-Under post strength metcon. Pretty impressive!!Workout of the Day:Strength/Skill Front Squats2-2-2-2-2then…Tabata Double-Under Jump Rope20 seconds of work10 seconds of rest8 roundslowest score in any...

I am not going to count reps for 10 minutes, but I will take a guess that this is close to 1,300 unbroken double-unders. If you would have asked me before seeing this video, I would have said highly unlikely that anyone can go unbroken for that long. Just shows that I...