“When someone tells me there is only one way to do things, it always lights a fire under my butt. My instant reaction is, I’m gonna prove you wrong.” -Picabo Street

All females at the 11am class today. (Maria is not pictured here – she finished and went straight for the showers) I couldn’t decide which picture to use for today’s blog so I decided to use both. I guess in life it is not always about one or the other, sometimes we can do both. The other day I asked my two year old daughter if she wanted a popsicle or ice cream, she replied YES! Smart girl.

Today’s Workout:

“Rocky 2” (Rocky Mountain Qualifier Workout #2)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (or 15 regular – chin over bar)
10 Front Squats (m-165lbs/f-105lbs) for every 10lbs lighter add 1 rep
10 Burpees