“A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid; it is only deferred, and we must come back and settle the account at last.” -Joseph Fort Newton

Since everyone who attended BIG SATURDAY can barely walk, we decided to take this workout overhead. Life is all about balance.

Today’s Workout:

“Death by Overhead”
max reps in 3 minutes
Rest – 3 minutes
max reps in 3 minutes
Rest – 3 minutes
Rest – 3 minutes

Burpee payback – All burpees must be paid during the rest phase immediately following the work phase.
Press – for every three seconds that the bar was not in upward motion you owe 1 burpee
Push-Press – Every time you lower the bar to your waist you owe 1 burpee, set the bar on the ground = 2 burpees. Keep the bar in the “rack” position =0 burpees.
Push-Jerk – Every time you lower the bar to your waist you owe 2 burpees, set the bar on the ground = 5 burpees