“Never give up. Keep your thoughts and your mind always on the goal.” -Tom Bradley American Baseball Player

Some of the things to see at the top of Koko Head.

Today’s workout is rough. Especially if you intend to Rx. We do not anticipate more than a few who will attempt this workout at prescribed weight. Prescribed weight is your body weight on the bar. Please scale accordingly. Whiteboard results will show bw-1 or bw-7. Use one point for every 10 pounds. If you weigh 155lbs and attempt a 95lb bar, your score would be your time and bw-6. The deadlift is a gift. Your attempted weight will be determined by your clean and jerk ability.

Today’s Workout:

“It’s Over”
5 Deadlifts(body weight on bar)
5 Squat Cleans(body weight on bar)
5 Jerks(body weight on bar)
400m Run
4 rounds