“Whether or not you reach your goals in life depends entirely on how well you prepare for them and how badly you want them. You’re eagles! Stretch your wings and fly to the sky.” –Ronald McNair

Opening up is always important both pre and post wod. That has to be Tiff in the background with her forehead on the floor. Must be nice to be so limber.

This was a most memorable blast from the past. If you missed today’s workout, consider making it up on another day. It is a workout you will you will talk about for a week and probably never forget.

Workout of the Day:

“Death by Overhead Plus”
max reps in 3 minutes
Rest – 3 minutes
max reps in 3 minutes
Rest – 3 minutes
max reps in 3 minutes
Rest – 3 minutes
Burpee payback – All burpees must be paid during the rest phase immediately following the work phase.
Press – for every three seconds that the bar was in an upward motion you owe 1 burpee
Push-Press – every time you lower the bar to your waist you owe 1 burpee, set the bar on the ground = 2 burpees. Keep the bar in the rack position = 0 burpees
Push-Jerk – every time you lower the bar to your waist you owe 2 burpees, set the bar on the ground = 5 burpees