The goal of the first workout is to keep the reps balanced between the two elements. Then to maintain that score for the remaining 5 rounds. Taking the lowest score in any given round forces you to work hard for all six rounds. In the second workout, it is good to go hard for the first run and even harder for the second. Yes, the second workout is the “nail in the coffin”.

Workout of the Day:

“Lowest & Slowest”
1 minute to do max reps of both:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull(m-95lbs/f-65lbs)
Shoulders to Overhead(athletes choice-press, push-press, push-jerk)(m-95lbs/f-65lbs)
1 minute rest
6 rounds
Lowest score of each element in any given round goes on the whiteboard
then… (5 minute rest)
400m Run or 500m Row
exactly 1 minute rest
400m Run or 500m Row
Slowest of the two goes on the whiteboard