All of her love and hates scrambled into one workout…with 3 parts. Happy Birthday Coach Michiko!

Workout of the Day

6 minute clock:
600m run
12 Chest to Bar Pullups
8 Clean & Jerks(135/95)
in remaining time do as many reps as possible (IRTAMRAP) of:
Wall Ball(20/14 to 10″)

2 minute rest

5 minute clock:
400m run
12 Handstand Pushups
8 Thruster(135/95)

in remaining time do as many reps as possible (IRTAMRAP) of:
Wall Ball(20/14 to 10″)
2 minute rest – strip barbell
4 minute clock:
200m run
12 Burpees
8 Squat Snataches(95/65)
in remaining time do as many reps as possible (IRTAMRAP) of:
Wall Ball(20/14 to 10″)