Overall Champion – CrossFit Challenge

Elyse Umeda was our overall Champion with an impressive final score of 371. Elyse took home the Grand Prize of a round trip airfare to the mainland for two on Hawaiian Airlines. With a score like that she has a viable chance to win the National CrossFit Games in...

Kahala Mall Mens Champion

Brad Bugado was our Men’s Champion finishing with an overall score of 333. His prize included a 2-night stay at the Kahala Hotel including diner at Hoku’s Restaurant. Brad works as a personal trainer and is an experienced CrossFitter....

Kahala Mall CrossFit Challenge

Pat Von came in second place for the Men’s division winning a prize of “beer for a year” with an overall score of 330, just 3 points behind 1st Place. What a close competition! Beer for a Year, do you think he will have a lot of new friends? Weighing...

Beat the Boys…Again

Elyse and Michelle came out on top for the day’s workout. 10 Thrusters50 Double-Unders8 Thrusters40 Double-Unders6 Thrusters30 Double-Unders4 Thrusters20 Double-Unders2 Thrusters10 Double-Unders650 Meter RunElyse has a new rule. If she beats a guy’s score...