“When Does it End?”

Top:  Our 4pm class is all smiles after Today’s WOD.Bottom:  The score sheet for the 10 rounds of Today’s WOD, “When Does it End”.Today’s Workout:”When Does it End?”10 rounds for Total Reps.30 seconds each,...

“Road Kill”

Above:  Thrusters, KB Swings, and a 650 M Run can only mean one thing: Road Kill.Today’s Workout:”Road Kill”3 rounds for time, of:30 DB Thrusters30 KB Swings650 M RunPost time to comments.

“In The Beginning”

It is good to go back to the beginning and it is good to redo past WODs, because it not only reminds us of our improvement, but actualizes improvement. Whether it is cutting down a 650 M Run time by seconds, or being able to do 10 push-ups in a row, rather than 7,...

“Take It With You”

Above:  Kristi (weighted squats), Dom–visiting from NY (weighted walking lunges), and Kahi (“Take It With You” Circle Run) demonstrate Today’s quad killer, “Take It With You”!Today’s Workout:”Take It With You”5...

“Oh Yes, Tabatas!”

Today’s Workout:”Oh Yes, Tabatas!”8 rounds of 20 secs WORK, 10 secs REST (for each element):Tabata Wall BallTabata Sit-UpsTabata Tire JumpsTabata Burpees**1 minute rest in between elements650 M Run (for time)Post scores and times to comments.