“Chelsea for Score”

We are thinking about “rebranding” our logo. Stay tuned for details. Any thoughts?The benchmark girl workout named “Chelsea” is a challenging workout that leaves you sore for days. We put a little spin on it by adding a double-under jump rope...

“Trash Talk”

Our keiki CrossFit program is still going strong. Have your keiki given it a try yet? Tuesday at 5pm & Saturday at 11am. Come and join the fun!!With the big sdlhp some asked if we were doing another strength day. Strength day…no, need to be...

Strength Day – Overhead Squats

We have been floating the strength day around to ensure that all our athletes remain well-balanced and don’t turn into met-con junkies. What are your thoughts? Set strength day or floating?Workout of the Day:Strength DayOverhead Squats5-5-5-5-5then…500m...

“Messed Up”

Don’t you just love the workouts that look “not too bad”, but leave you messed up.Workout of the Day:”Messed Up”Dumbbell Squat Clean Thrusters(m-50lbs/f-30lbs)Kettlebell Swings(m-70lbs/f-44lbs)10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

“Tabata Strong Breath””

The cool thing about the Tabata protocol is that you can substitute any movement. A quick little read by John Harker:Credit for this simple and powerful training method belongs to its namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of...