
Progress on the Philosophy logo.For this workout drop 5 reps for Pull-Ups and 10 reps for Sit-Ups every round followed by a 200m run for a total of 5 rounds.Workout of the Day:”Slide”25 Pull-Ups50 Sit-Ups200m Run20/40 – 15/30 – 10/20 –...

“Tap Out”

Getting hard to squeeze 22 athletes in one workout in our current 1,000 square foot box. Good thing we are moving soon. First workout in the new room will be July 4th.Today’s workout is set up in the Fight Gone Bad framework with more challenging movements....


Kettlebell drills and body weight movements. Found these cool pics from demonbells.com. Not sure if they are fully functional for all kettlebell drills, but they look cool. What a great idea!We did this workout February 18th so check your journals for a PR.Workout of...

“Saturday TNT Special”

I am so overwhelmed by the generosity of our members. In addition to the awesome Bose stereo that they everyone pitched in to purchase for the house they also got 2 GHD’s(Glute-Hamstring Developer) I was floored!! We definitely have an awesome ohana. Thank you...