Strength/Skill – Back Squats

Workout of the Day:Strength/Skill DayBack Squats3-3-3-3-3then…10 Medicine Ball Cleans(m-20lbs/f-14lbs) descending ladder 10 to 11 Kettlebell Swings(m-53lbs/f-35lbs) ascending ladder 1 to 10

Happy Birthday Melissa!!

This is the first time we had a birthday workout submitted via proxy. Melissa allowed Courtney to submit love/hate workout suggestions for her birthday workout. This is a partner workout and teams of 2 could divide up the reps any way they wanted as long as all reps...

“Blitz & Blaze”

Workout of the Day:9am & 10am400m Run1 minute rest400m Row1 minute rest2 roundsthen…3 Front Squats(m-155lbs/f-105lbs)5 Handstand Push-Ups7 Toes to BarAs many rounds as possible in 9 minutes12Noon Advanced Class”11.6″20 Calorie Row30 Burpees40...