Hero Workout – “Miller”

We will be honoring a fallen soldier for tomorrow’s workout. Please plan on attending either the 9am or 10am class. We will be taking a group photo at 10am of both classes to send to his unit. Make it a point to attend and pay tribute to a National Hero. The 9am...

Happy Birthday Jai!

This is the 3rd year that Jai has been in our box to celebrate his birthday. This is a tough workout to complete and most will end up with a score less than 20. If you should be one of the lucky few to finish this workout it translates to 120 pull-ups and 240 wall...

“Bonus Double-Unders”

Workout of the Day:”Bonus Double-Unders”5 Toes to Bar10 Wall Ball(m-20lbs to 10’/f-14lbs to 9′)As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes1 minute rest (or max double-under jump rope for bonus score)5 Deadlifts(m-245lbs/f-170lbs)10 Sit-UpsAs many...

“BBJ for Score”

Workout of the Day:”BBJ for Score”4 minute clock400m Run5 Split Jerks(m-bodyweight/f-3/4 bodyweight)Max Burpee Box Jumps for score(m-24″/f-20″)1 minute rest between rounds4 rounds