“Pre 13.2 Validation”

Keeping everyone’s engine running without over taxing any one source. Open-Minded!!Workout of the Day:”Pre 13.2 Validation”7 Push-Jerk(45/31)7 Medicine Ball Cleans(20/14)7 Wall Ball(20/14 to 10′)7 Sit-Ups300m RunAs many rounds as possible in 15...


Really Apollo!!! This is how you are now making your kettlebells!! Same price..cheaper production.For many this is the first trial run at this workout. Conclusion… this is a box jump management workout. Good luck to all on validations.Workout of the...

13.2 Announced

13.2 was announced today at 2pm. However, at 6am we programmed a metcon that was designed to bump the lungs without overtaxing any specific movement. Programming around the unknown is a dance.Workout of the Day:”Interval Sprints Pre-13.2″4 minute...

“Every other Cindy”

Workout of the Day:On every Odd minute:”Cindy”5 Pull-Ups10 Push-Ups15 SquatsOn every Even minute:5 Deadlift(95/65)5 Hang Power Clean(95/65)5 Push-Jerks(95/65)10 rounds(20 minutes)Score = Double-Under Jump rope reps after completing the obligation for that...

Happy Birthday Travis!

Happy to help Travis celebrate his 28th birthday in our room. Working on those double-unders!!Workout of the Day:Back Squat3-3-3-3-3then…”Kaono”28 Wall Balls(20/14 to 10′)28 Double-Under Jump Rope300m Run28 Wall Balls(20/14 to 10′)28...