“Double Baseline”

Workout of the Day:”Double Baseline”500m Row40 Squats30 Situps20 Pushups10 Pullups5 minute rest500m Row40 Squats30 Situps20 Pushups10 Pullups

“Running Diane”

Score = the sum of burpees(+) or incomplete reps(-)Workout of the Day:”Running Diane”5 minute clock:400m run21 Deadlifts(225/155)21 Handstand PushupsIn remaining time – max burpees to 6″ touch1 minute rest4 minute clock:400m run15...

“Fight Gone Bad”

Workout of the Day:”Fight Gone Bad”1 minute at each station for max repsWall Ball(20/14 to 10′)Sumo Deadlift High Pull(75/55)Box Jumps(20″)Push-Press(75/55)Rower(calories)1 minute Rest3 rounds

“Game Day”

The keiki room hosted the National Playoffs todayWorkout of the Day:5 Snatches(135/95)15 Toes to Bar5 Squat Cleans(135/95)15 Pullups4 rounds

“Ballbell Ladder”

Workout of the Day:”Ballbell Ladder”1 Wall Ball(20/14 to 10′)1 Kettlebell Swing(53/35)2/2, 3/3, 4/4…etcLadder Up as high as possible for 10 minutes