“Get Your Sweat On!”

“Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.” -Ann LandersAbove:  Our members getting their run on!”Tough Situation”For time:650 M Run50 KB Swings50 Sit-Ups50 Air Squats650 M RunPost time to comments.

“Ring of Fire”

“Ring of Fire”It’s a lie. There is no “happy place.” You know what I’m talking about–when you’re in the middle of a WOD and some well-intentioned person says, “Go to your happy place”–well, that’s...


“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” -Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAbove:  Rain did not stop our evening class from doing their Tire Jumps!Today’s Workout:”Atrocious”6 rounds for max reps, of:30 seconds...

“Tabata Something Else”

“Allow yourself to be inspired. Allow yourself to succeed. Dare to excel.”-Vince DenteIn a normal Tabata workout your score is the round with the smallest number. However, in today’s workout, “Tabata Something Else,” your score is the...

“Hardass Circuit”

“Attitude determines altitude.” -AnonymousAbove:  In every element in a CrossFit Hawaii WOD, there is modified versions to help our members work towards doing the prescribed element, like pull-ups, which is demonstrated in both the modified body row on...