“Triple Down”

It is easy to visualize yourself going unbroken through this triplet, it becomes challenging to not rest during the transitions.Workout of the Day:Deadlift(275/185)Box Jump(24/20)Toes to Bar10, 9, 8…1

“Partner Drop 10”

There was a 250m row in today’s workout. Who is your money on?? Yep, me too!!All classes were held at our Hawaii Kai location while the CrossFit Coach’s Prep Course was held at Kaka’ako. Congratulations to Coach Todd & Coach Sabrina who completed...

Happy Birthday Cathy!

Cathy has celebrated many birthday workouts in our room. She is always a friendly face and always training hard. Happy Birthday Cathy!!Workout of the Day:”Cathy3″10 Dumbbell Squats(40/25)10 Dumbbell Standing Lunges(40/25)10 Dumbbell Shoulders to...

“Open 12.2”

Pat has been a coach in our room since 2009. Finally had time to put his hands up on the wall.Workout of the Day:”Open 12.2″30 Snatches(75/45)30 Snatches(135/75)30 Snatches(165/100)Max Snatches(210/120)As many reps as possible in 10 minutes

“Mental Toughness”

The mental toughness comes in with the thought of going unbroken for all 3 rounds. This workout has 90 reps total, same as Fran, but with a heavier load. Mental toughness is required with the hand-release deadlift. Many athletes could pull 9 straight at this weight,...