Happy Birthday Maila!”

” If the power to do hard work is not a skill, it’s the best possible substitute for it.” -James A. Garfield 1831-1881, Twentieth President of the USAMaila competed in this past weekends “Hawaii’s Fittest Athlete”. She opened up...

“Bow to the “20”

“The awareness of our own strength makes us modest.” -Paul Cezanne Coach Elyse Umeda has been killing her strength WODs. PR after Pr. Just when you think that tiny Asian girl is killer strong, she gets stronger. Elyse is 125lbs so this is over twice her...

“Helen’s Cousin Got Skills”

“The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking.” -Brooks Atkinson Thanks to Pat O. for all the great photos posted in previous blogs. Pat also has a lot of...

“Tabata Thyself”

“A great coach always wants to see their team win.”Coach and be coached.Today’s Workout:”Tabata Thyself”20 seconds of work10 seconds of rest8 roundsSquatsSit-UpsPush-UpsBurpees

The After Party made it all worth wild.

For those that left a little early… you missed the fun. Pie Throwers on top. Pie receivers on the bottom. Note to self…what goes around tends to come around. Did I post in a previous blog that payback is a bitch. =)