Happy Birthday Denise!!

We have helped Denise celebrate her birthday for the past 3 years, but only now realized that her birthday is the 12th and not the 13th. We better triple check our sources in the future.Workout of the Day:”Denise 3″600m Run12 Dumbbell Thrusters(m-50% of...

“Power 13”

Keiki CrossFit. Tuesday at 5pm and Saturday at 11am.Workout of the Day:”Power 13″Push-Jerk(m-95lbs/f-65lbs)Medicine Ball Squats(m-20lbs/f-12lbs)Abmat Sit-UpsPower Clean(m-135lbs/f-95lbs)30 seconds – max reps13 seconds rest5 rounds

“Mainsite 9/12”

Kili Mai loses her first tooth.We decided to drop today’s mainsite workout. Looks like a running Fran. Ouch!!Workout of the Day:”Mainsite 9/12″400m Run15 Thrusters(m-95lbs/f-65lbs)15 Pull-Ups4 rounds

Perfecting the Med Ball Clean

Saturday 12 noon class. Coaching the medicine ball clean. What do you see in this video?Workout of the Day:”Sprint Drills then Wod…nice”100m Sprints every 30 seconds10 roundsthen…3 Deadlifts(m-225lbs/f-185lbs)5 Kettlebell...