Strength/Skill Day – Rowing & Push-Jerks

This style varies from what we learned at our Concept2 Row Clinic. =)It is always amazing to me how members can set a PR(personal record) directly following an intense MetCon(metabolic conditioning) event. Is it physical, racing heart rate and adrenaline or mental,...

“Lab Rat Under Fire”

Have you signed up for the Reebok CrossFit Games Open? Don’t Delay, Register Today!!This workout is designed to be a partner workout. Each partner alternates elements and goes through the inverse ladder.Partner A does 10 thrustersPartner B does 1 SDLHPA –...

Happy Birthday Cathy!!

The Lunch Brunch came out in full force to help Cathy celebrate her 50th birthday. Yes they are all(mostly all) wearing a pair of depends. No one was brave enough to wear them during the workout since there was a 400m run out in “public”. It would have...