Revisiting Open 12.1

For those who remembered this workout from last year, it was quite brilliant. It was the first workout of the Open competition for the CrossFit Games. It allowed all who signed up for this world-wide event an opportunity to participate at a high level. Everyone can do...

Happy Birthday Kalei!

Helping Kalei celebrate her January 29th birthday. Happy Birthday Kalei!Workout of the Day:”Kalei”1 Kettlebell Swing(53/35)29 Box Jumps(24/20)Kettlebell Swings go up 4 reps every round and Box Jumps go down 4 reps every...

Strength/Skill – Squat Clean & Front Squats

Rope climbing rig went up today. Look forward to doing climbs in the near future.Workout of the Day:Strength/Skill20 second clock:1 Rep Max – Squat CleanMax Front Squats in remaining time3 minutes 40 seconds rest4 attemptsthen…Tabata: 20 seconds max reps...

Push-Jerk Ladder

Kanoe and U’i tested out today from our Basic Movements class and joined in on the 5:30 class.Workout of the Day:1 Push-Jerk(135/95)1 Pull-Ups100m run2 Push-Jerks2 Pull-Ups3 Push-Jerks3 Pull-Ups100m runAscending LadderOnly Run on odd NumberAs many rounds as...