Jerk Blocks Complete

Jerk Blocks and platform are complete. Feel free to use during open gym times. Strongly suggest changing out the boxes with 2 athletes. Top platform weighs 111lbs. Time to start working on that PR Jerk.Workout of the Day:30 seconds of work15 seconds of restafter each...

“Running Clean Ladder”

2 athletes that are happy that Wall Balls are done for the Open Competition.Congratulations to all who validated and submitted scores for 13.3. Trying to program around the upcoming 13.4. What will it be this week???Workout of the Day:100m Run1 Power Clean(135/95)100m...

Happy Birthday Chay Chay!

 Keiki CrossFit helping Chay celebrate her birthday with the Chay Chay Shuffle.Validating 13.3 today in the room. Good luck to all, Karen is quite the b!+⊄# and will have your remembering this workout for a few days.Workout of the Day:”13.3″150 Wall...

Happy Birthday Monica!

Helping Monica celebrate her birthday with a workout filled with double-unders! Happy Birthday Monica!Workout of the Day:”Monica”1 Pull-up1 Kettlebell Swing(53/35)21 Double-Under Jump Rope2 Pull-up2 Kettlebell Swing(53/35)21 Double-Under Jump Rope3...