Run or No Run

“Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts.” Steve Prefontaine Max is pictured above doing a set of pull-ups, but he holds the room record for our 650M run at 1:57. He said, “given the right day, I think...

7 Rounds

“The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.” -Joe Paterno We are going to have two workouts a week in which we spend considerably more time coaching specific movements. We start today with the deadlift and push-jerk. We will be going...

FilFest ’09 WOD

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear.”Mark TwainThe annual affiliate owner gathering was held in Austin, Texas this year. Wherever CrossFitters gather, you can be sure they are ready to hit a WOD. So in the afternoon...

Happy Birthday Elyse

“We become what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is NOT an act but a habit!” Aristotle Elyse is being swept away by her friends to celebrate her birthday in Vegas. Every crossfitter should do 100 burpees on their birthday plus their age. So Elyse would...


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” – Satchel Paige Sometimes the basic movements leave us so sore. Angie is one of those workouts. Four functional movements with just the resistance provided by...